Look and Feel Younger with a Noninvasive Facelift in Beverly Hills
With age, the skin loses its elasticity and starts to sag, wrinkle, and lose volume. This can make you look older than you are. The natural aging process doesn’t have to take a toll on your face so rapidly. With a facelift, you can eliminate drooping skin, jowls, creases, wrinkles, and other undesirable signs of…
Read MoreWhat is the difference between a surgical and nonsurgical facelift?
All Articles,Cosmetic Dermatology,Facelift
Facelifts can be done under local anesthesia for your safety and faster recovery and because they can be combined with laser resurfacing to minimize any scars, facelifts are becoming easier, less invasive procedures to undergo. And with advances in absorbable “strings” that can be placed under the skin to lift tissues without any surgical cutting,…
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